• charity-networking-image Projects

    Centre for social rehabilitation and integration of children with disabilities

    Center for children with disabilities who have grown with constant care. The purpose of these consultations with various experts including doctors is to facilitate the social contact between children and parents. This type of service is applied for the first time because it is delivered to the homes of the

  • pic Projects

    Retirees on european salary look after sick elderly people

    Foundation “St. Archangels” employs orphans and homeless. Lonely and sick elderly people continue to look for assistants of the “St. Archangels” five months after the end of the european project, which provides them. Two years ago 42 local citizens relyed on the perfect service of 22 social and domestic helpers.

  • Together Projects

    To succeed together

    In November 2009 Foundation St. Archangels started working on a second project “To succeed together” Contract with Grant № BG 051PO001-5.1.01-0112-S0001. related to training and createing a social enterprise for people without parents who left the Social housing.

  • independence-day-67a Projects


    Проектът се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма “Развитие на човешките ресурси”, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейския социален фонд